Star Wars Inspiration

Naked Cosmetics Pigments, Naked Makeup

If you are like me and millions of other people, you already have your tickets to see The Force Awakens in a couple weeks.  I have to admit, I am pretty excited about it.  A lot of people are also having fun and dressing up as their favorite character.  If that’s what you’re doing, I have the perfect makeup inspiration for you.  With Naked Cosmetics pigments, we have a color for just about every character.  I have rounded up a few of my favorites today.

R2-D2 is everyone’s favorite little robot.  He is adventurous and spunky, and always seems to save the day right when you need him.  To channel your inner R2-D2, you can use our Heavy Metal collection in colors HE-01 and HE-06 (Shown wet and dry).  Beep-Boop-Beep!


Boba Fett is a pretty sweet bad guy.  Some say he personifies “danger and mystery”.  Nothing wrong with that!  To bring out your inner Boba Fett, use Mother Nature collection in colors MN-03 and MN-04.

Boba Fett1

On to the best Wookiee out of Kashyyyk, Chewbacca!  Han Solo’s side kick is a great choice for a fun cosplay idea.  For a Chewbacca inspired look, use Java collection in colors JV-04 and JV-06 (Shown wet and dry).


And last but certainly not least, my personal favorite:  Darth Vader.  Sweet costume, awesome song, great story; what’s not to love?  The makeup look for him is fun too!  Use our Ebony collection in EB-01 and EB-06 (Shown wet and dry), then add Cosmetic Glitter-06 (Shown wet).  Now enjoy the dark side!

Darth Vader4

Who is your favorite character?  Are there any looks you would try for another character?  Let us know in the comments!  We’d love to hear from you!